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Painting has opened doors for me that I didn't know existed!


The last two years have been a deep and playful exploration of various styles, sizes, surfaces and spaces. Art school has allowed me to indefinitely explore and clarify what it means to be a fine artist; and I’ve found that painting provides the perfect channel through which big ideas and abstractions can flow.


I use the impasto technique for portraits and the scumbling technique for concept studies. I prefer my colors heavily saturated and earth toned. I usually incorporate charcoal and oil pastels in my paintings because I love the way the textures inform each other.


My paintings have multiple layers (and sometimes even multiple paintings!) underneath the final coat. This is because, I allow the forms and colors to organize themselves organically; there is no creative decision that cannot be undone!


© 2020 by Noyona Biswas. Proudly created with

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